Teresa Gaye Hitch
Mixed Media and Acrylics
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The World

Mixed Media

16 x 20

Collection of the artist

The World


Our world, our natural resources, even our beings, are in the hands and control of “the businessman.”

We come into the world as individuals, with goals and dreams.

During this process, we may seek something greater than ourselves. We may call this “God.” We may recognize what gives us life is the sun. Some may believe that it is money that gives us life.

The strong association with “God” and money is blatantly apparent in US currency, yet no one I knew, in 1970, realized that the world’s “most powerful currency” was empregnated with the words, “In God We Trust.” Sadly, I wondered why others did not question this association.

Because of fear, we sacrifice ourselves, giving up our own power and allowing ourselves to be manipulated. We may give up our identity under the misbelief that in doing so, to be a part of something they perceived would bring a solution to their troubled and fearful world. Order and control, as well as the sense of belonging may give an illusion of the peace we desire.

We may resort to pharmaceuticals to numb our insights, and awareness.,as the drug companies profitting from our vulnerabilities and our avoidance of normal feelings that make us human.

We forget that our world has limited material resources, however human potential has only begun to be realized. Should we continue to sacrifice ourselves and our natural world for material wealth, for the wealth, power and opportunity of a few, for the illusion that if we comply with what we or should we take risks and challenge the status quo?

The “Help Wanted” section of the Hamilton Spectator, where jobs are divided into “Help Wanted Male” and “Help Wanted Female,” was unquestionned by the status quo in 1970. To me, this was not right for many reasons.

In our confusion, we fear computers may “take over the world,” and replace our own human potential, rather than celebrate computers as tools to allow us to become more self-actualized individuals.

Nature is being replaced by machines in our human-centric world. Our ecosystems are being forever destroyed by our human greed. If we are willing to listen to and respect nature, our future will be hopeful. If not, we will continue to destroy the world, and we may not be able to restore it, once we realize what we have done.

{To be continued...}